"KI erklärt" ("AI explained") -
Trustworthy AI
We perceive the technology we use every day as “trustworthy”. We trust that our car, bike or train will not simply break down while we are riding them. At the same time, artificial intelligence in its various forms has long since found its way into our everyday lives. While we may still be a long way from being chauffeured to work in autonomous vehicles, various programs are already being used in e-mail filters, photo editing programs and search engines. In the European Union, the term “trustworthy” AI has been coined in recent years. Developments from other regions of the world are to be countered by an approach that places people in the center of development and use of technology. Technology design should take into account the values on which our European community is based on. In this round table discussion, we will examine “trustworthy AI” from the perspective of business, politics, computer science and ethics.
In the area of politics, the current developments in the USA, among other things, are relevant. The proximity of large technology companies to the president and their
obedience are remarkable. In the last federal election headlines about AI were limited, even an action summit on AI had taken place in Paris shortly beforehand, at which, among other things, was claimed that we need a CERN for artificial intelligence. From a business perspective, the question arises as to what the technological lead of the USA and China means and what potential uses there are for AI in small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany.
We will talk about this with Tim Achtermeyer, the NRW state chairman of
Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen and André Christ, Co-Founder & General Manager of
The discussion will be scientifically accompanied by Dr. Florian Mai,
computer scientist and junior research group leader at the Conversational AI and Social Analytics (CAISA) Lab at the University of Bonn and Dr. Julia Maria Mönig,
philosopher and ethicist and project manager of the philosophy sub-project in the
KI.NRW flagship project “Certified AI”.

Registration, Time and Location
Thursday, March 20, 2025
7.00 pm
Deutsches Museum Bonn
Ahrstraße 45, 53175 Bonn
Admission free, held in German
Please register via email: info@deutsches-museum-bonn.de
Julia Maria Mönig
Universität Bonn, Center for Science and Thought, Institut für Philosophie, Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3
53227 Bonn