© Huw Price
drof. Dr. Huw Price
Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Bonn
Areas of Expertise in Teaching and Research and Academic Career
Areas of Specialization
Pragmatism, Expressivism, Philosophy of time, Foundations of quantum theory
Areas of Competence
Philosophy of science, Ethics and Impacts of Artificial Intelligence
Academic Career
- since 2022 Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Bonn
- 2016–2021 Academic Director, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
- since 2020 Emeritus Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge
- since 2020 Emeritus Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge
- since 2019 Board Member, Ada Lovelace Institute
- 2011–2020 Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge
- 2011–2020 Professorial Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge
- 2012–2018 Founding Academic Director, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
- 2007–2012 Second ARC Federation Fellowship, University of Sydney
- 2003–2012 Challis Professor of Philosophy, University of Sydney
- 2002–2012 Director, Centre for Time, University of Sydney
- 2002–2007 ARC Federation Fellowship, University of Sydney
- 2001–2003 Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, University of Edinburgh
- 1997–2001 Professor of Natural Metaphysics (Personal Chair), University of Sydney
- 1989–1997 Lecturer (1989–90), Senior Lecturer (1991–94), Reader (1995–97), University of Sydney
- 1988–1989 Research Fellow in Philosophy, RSSS, ANU
- 1985–1987 ARC National Research Fellow in Philosophy, UNSW
- 1981–1983 Rothmans Postdoctoral Fellow, ANU
Contact Information
Work Address
University of Bonn
Institute of Philosophy
Center for Science and Thought
Contact Information
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3
53227 Bonn
Room: 2.013
Barbara Wiehlpütz
Contact Information
+49 228 / 73-54036
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3 53227 Bonn
Room: 2.013
- https://www.cst.uni-bonn.de/de/personen/mitarbeiter-innen-des-cst-1/huwpricecv-february2022.pdf
- https://prce.hu/w/