12. June 2024

Technosophy: New book series at the CST Technosophy: New book series at the CST

From June 2024, transcript will publish the new book series Technosophy, edited by the Centre for Science and Thought at the University of Bonn. The interdisciplinary series presents works from philosophy, the humanities and social sciences that contribute to a wiser use of technology and better interpretations of current scientific research by reflecting on the respective ontologies and epistemologies.

Today's rapid technological and scientific progress has unforeseeable epistemic and social side effects. An appropriate approach must take into account the complex dynamics of social conditions and realities associated with scientific practices of knowledge production and their implementation in technology.

The series is edited by Markus Gabriel (Professor of Epistemology, Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, Director of the Center for Science and Thought), Ana Ilievska (Senior Research Fellow in the "Desirable Digitalisation" research project at CST), Dennis Lehmkuhl (Professor of Philosophy of Nature and Science, Lichtenberg Professor of History and Philosophy of Physics), Aimee van Wynsberghe (Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Applied Ethics of Artificial Intelligence) and the editors in charge: Christiane Schäfer (scientific director of the research project "Desirable Digitalisation" at the CST) and Jan Voosholz (scientific director of the International Centre for Philosophy in Bonn).


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