19. June 2018

Data for the People – Workshop with Andreas Weigend Data for the People – Workshop with Andreas Weigend

On June 19th, the CST invites all those interested to the workshop "Data for the People" with Andreas Weigend.

On June 19th, from 16:00 to 18:00 (c.t.) the CST will host a workshop with Dr. Andreas Weigend, former Chief Scientist at Amazon and an alumnus of Universität Bonn (physics and philosophie). The workshop is entitled „Data for the People“, and will tackle, from an interdisciplinary perspective, how Big Data and the digital traces which we constantly leave online can be used for or against us – and how we can influence that. In his eponymous book of 2016, Weigend argues fort he idea that our old understanding of the private sphere has become obsolete, and that not only some digital giants, but we all should be all the more determined in influencing what happens to our data.

This event is open tot he public and will take place in English at the CST seminar room, Poppelsdorfer Allee 28, 53115 Bonn.

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