Wired For Hope 

Rethinking AI for the Globe

due to unforseen circumstances our guest Prof. Payal Arora will not be able to join us in Bonn for this evening's event "Wired for Hope". Her presentation on the upcoming publication "From Pessimism to Promise" will be rescheduled for a later date. Today's event will thus unfortunataley not take place as originally planned.
We invite everybody interested to join us for the book launch of Markus Gabriel's "Sense, Nonsense and Subjectivity" at 4pm today at CST (How to find us).

Join us on July 1st from 4:00 PM at the CST for a double book launch featuring Payal Arora's forthcoming "From Pessimism to Promise: Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech" and Markus Gabriel's "Sense, Nonsense, and Subjectivity".
Both authors will present their works, offering insights into the intersections of technology, philosophy, and human understanding.

Payal Arora is a Professor of Inclusive AI Cultures at Utrecht University, and Co-Founder of FemLab. In her upcoming book ‘From Pessimism to Promise’ she explains that outside the West, there is a significantly different, less pessimistic, outlook on tech. She makes the case that it is not naive to be optimistic about our digital future, but instead that it is our moral imperative to design with hope.

In "Sense, Non-Sense, and Subjectivity" Markus Gabriel examines the nature of knowledge and human fallibility and argues that the potential for error is intrinsic to subjectivity itself. His work explores how false beliefs and delusions are essential to understanding the human condition, contributing a novel perspective to New Realism and contemporary epistemology. 

Following the book presentation, the implications of the books theses will be discussed and alternative approaches to technological development will be explored. 

We look forward to your participation!

Kopie von Plakat Vortrag Ferraris -2.png
© Pixabay

Time: July 1, 2024, 5 - 7 pm

Place: Center for Science and Thought (Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3), 3rd floor.

Registration via mlinski@uni-bonn.de

Kontakt und Organisation

Avatar Schäfer

Christiane Schäfer

University of Bonn, Center for Science and Thought, Institute of Philosophy, Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3

53227 Bonn

Avatar Mahmutovic

Leila Mahmutovic

Universität Bonn, Center for Science and Thought, Institut für Philosophie, Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3

53227 Bonn

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