
Catalog of General Ethical Requirements for AI Certification


December 18th 2024, 3-5pm 

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"General Ethical Requirements for AI Certification"  a conversation with 
Jocelyn Maclure and Markus Gabriel and launch of the whitepaper by Nicholas 
Kluge Corrêa and Julia Maria Mönig.

The research project "Certified AI" explores the question of what a 
certification of "trustworthy AI" could look like. The philosophy team, Nicholas 
Kluge Corrêa and Julia Maria Mönig, research this question from an ethical 

"KI erklärt" – Control and Regulation of AI: An introduction

Talks and Discussion

November 12th 2024, 7pm 
Deutsches Museum Bonn

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The event series "KI erklärt" aims to make the „myth“ of artificial intelligence more accessible to a broader audience.
Together with leading experts, we explain fundamental concepts and functionalities of artificial intelligence and discuss ethical, economical and political question. 
For the first event, the focus will be on regulation of AI: In two talks, AI experts Olivia J. Erdélyi and Was Rahman will explain the fundamental concepts behind AI-technology and shed light on what control and regulation of AI (can) look like. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity for questions and discussion. The event well be held in German

Cross-Cultural Approaches to Desirable AI

Seminar Series

October 9th 2024 - January 22nd 2025, Zoom

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© Clarote & AI4Media / Better Images of AI / Labour/Resources / CC-BY 4.0

 The seminar series "Cross-Cultural Approaches to Desirable AI" aims to encourage intercultural and interdisciplinary discussion on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). Its primary focus is to support and develop research on AI and social justice, particularly from intersectional feminist and anti-racist perspectives. "Cross-Cultural Approaches to Desirable AI" is a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge, Bonn, Tokyo and the University of Europe for Applied Sciences.

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