Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Kalindi Vora

Kalindi Vora

Visiting Professor at CST: May–July 2024 and Mayi-July 2025

Areas of Expertise in Teaching and Research

Kalindi Vora is Professor of Ethnicity, Race, & Migration, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and American Studies. She is a cultural theorist and anthropologist who studies the impact of histories of science and technology on contemporary arenas of labor, health and design. Her work engages with STS, critical race and gender studies, historical materialist theories. Her first book, Life Support: Biocapital and the New History of Outsourced Labor (4S Rachel Carson Book Prize 2018), takes up questions of technology, colonialism and raced and gendered labor under globalization. Her second book is Surrogate Humanity: Race Robotics and the Politics of Technological Futures (Duke 2019), co-authored with Neda Atanasoski, a project on the racial and gendered politics of robotics and artificial intelligence. With the Precarity Lab, she is co-author of Technoprecarious (2020), which tracks the role of digital technologies in multiplying precarity. Her collected ethnographic work on transnational gestational surrogacy in India is published in the book Reimagining Reproduction: Surrogacy, Labour and Technologies of Human Reproduction (2022).


Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Dorian Peters/LCFI

Desirable Digitalisation

Rethinking AI for Just and Sustainable Futures.

We investigate how to design AI (artificial intelligence) and other digital technologies in a responsible way, placing the questions of social justice and environmental sustainability at the very heart of our work.

Our research program is a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge and Bonn and numerous international partners, and is funded by the Mercator Foundation in Germany.

Contact Information

Work Address

University of Bonn
Institute of Philosophy
Center for Science and Thought

Contact Information



Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3, 53227 Bonn

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