List of Publications
- "Wert und Mensch in der Ethik der KI”. In: Lammert, Norbert; Koch, Wolfgang [eds.]: Bundeswehr der Zukunft: Verantwortung und Künstliche Intelligenz. Published for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2023.
- Sense, Nonsense and Subjectivity. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2024 [submitted, under review and in print].
Particularly strong focus on AI, digital technologies and their influence on contemporary societies in the chapter "Ideology, Propaganda, and Ignorance". - Moralischer Realismus. München: C.H. Beck, 2025 [In preparation, under contract].
- The New Ethics of AI. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2025
[In preparation, under contract] [in preparation, proposal will be submitted for review at the publisher's request in April]. - [FORTHCOMING] Together with Haramia, Chelsea; van Wynsberghe, Aimee [eds.]: Sustainable A.I.: How Technological Innovation and Space Exploration Will Shape Our Future. (Proposal submitted to Oxford University Press in November 2023).
- E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, T. A. Lähde, D. Lee and Ulf-G. Meißner, “Viability of carbon-based life as a function of the light quark mass,”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 112502 [arXiv:1212.4181 [nucl-th]]. - E. Epelbaum, H. Krebs, T. A. Lähde, D. Lee and Ulf-G. Meißner, “Dependence of the triple-alpha process on the fundamental constants of nature,”
Eur. Phys. J. A 49:82 (2013) [arXiv:1303.4856 [nucl-th]]. - Ulf-G. Meißner, “Anthropic considerations in nuclear physics,”
Sci. Bull. 60(1):43-54 (2015) [arXiv:1409.2959 [hep-th]]. - T. A. Lähde, Ulf-G. Meißner and E. Epelbaum, “An update on fine-tunings in the triple-alpha process,”
Eur. Phys. J. A56:89 (2020) [arXiv:1906.00607 [nucl-th]]. - T. Luu and Ulf-G. Meißner, “On the Topic of Emergence from an Effective Field Theory Perspective,” [arXiv:1910.13770 [physics.hist-ph]],
in “Festschrift at the occasion of George Ellis’ 80th birthday,” Ed. M. Gabriel, Springer Verlag, 2020.
Published as: Thomas Luu and Ulf-G. Meißner, »On the Topic of Emergence from an Effective Field Theory Perspective«,
in Top-Down Causation and Emergence, ed. by Markus Gabriel and Jan Voosholz, Synthese Library, 439, Springer, Cham 2021, S. 101–114. - T. Luu and Ulf-G. Meißner, “Misconceptions on Effective Field Theories and spontaneous symmetry breaking: Response to Ellis’ article,”
Found. Phys. 50 (2020) 1140-1151 [arXiv:2007.10062 [physics.hist-ph]]. - Ulf-G. Meißner and B. C. Metsch, “Probing nuclear observables via primordial nucleosynthesis,”
Eur. Phys. J. A 58:212 (2022) [arXiv:2208.12600 [nucl-th]]. - Ulf-G. Meißner, B. C. Metsch and H. Meyer, “The electromagnetic fine-structure constant in primordial nucleosynthesis revisited,”
Eur. Phys. J. A 59:223 (2023) [arXiv:2305.15849 [hep-th]].
- with Alex Dewalque: „Les théories représentationnelles de la conscience. Panorama introductif“. In: Dewalque, Axel; Gauvry, Charlotte [eds.]: Conscience et représentation. Introduction aux théories représentationnelles de l’esprit. Paris: Vrin, 2016: 7-57.
- Together with A. Dewalque [ed.]: Conscience et représentation. Introduction aux théories représentationnelles de l’esprit. Paris: Vrin, 2016.
- „How to explain the experience of the passage of time“. In: Sturma, Dieter [ed.]: Mind and Time. Philosophical and Psychological Perspective. Nomos Alber, 2023: 73-95.
- with Theodor Rüber: „Extrapolating Consciousness in Isolated Hemispheres. Hemispherotomy as a new challenge,“ Revue de métaphysique et de morale, Special Issue: „New research on consciousness“ 1 (2024).
- [FORTHCOMING] „Phenomenal reports as fiction pumps. What if illusionism is partly right?“. In: Gabriel, Markus; Gymnich, Marion; Münch, Bernd Ulrich [eds.]: Wirklichkeit/Fiktion. Spannungsfelder eines Verhältnisses. Berlin: Mohr Siebeck, 2024.
- [FORTHCOMING] „La théorie brentanienne de l’intentionnalité“. In: Aucouturier, Vincent; Godart-Wendling, Béatrice [eds.]: L’intention dans le discours et l’action. London: ISTE, 2024.
- [UNDER REVIEW] Gemeinsam mit T. Bauer, Th. Rüber et al. [eds.]: Intact functional brain networks in the isolated hemisphere of people after hemispherotomy. 2024.
- "Understanding the Question of Whether to Message Extraterrestrial Intelligence”. In: Castaño, Paola; Gorman, Alice; Salazar, Juan Francisco [Eds.]: Routledge Handbook of Social Studies of Outer Space. London: Routledge, 2023.
- "Embodiment in Space Imagery: Beyond the Dominant Narrative” (co-authored with Daniela De Paulis). In: Schwartz, James S.J.; Billings, Linda; Nesvold, Erika [Eds.]: Reclaiming Space: Progressive and Multicultural Visions of Space Exploration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Includes topics such as robotics, technology and social justice.
- "Asymmetric Threats and Ethical Movements”. In: Diálogos, Vol. 114 (2024), 147-167. Includes topics such as robotics, technology and social justice.
- "Intentional Astrobiological Signaling and Questions of Causal Impotence”. In: Ethics and Information Technology, Volume 26/17 (2014).
- [FORTHCOMING] Together with Gabriel, Markus; van Wynsberghe, Aimee [Eds.]: Sustainable A.I.: How Technological Innovation and Space Exploration Will Shape Our Future (Proposal submitted to Oxford University Press in November 2023).
- [INVITED/FORTHCOMING] "Respect for the Non-Living in Early-Stage Space Expansion”. In: Eski, Yarin; Lampkin, Jack [Hgg.]: Crime, Criminal Justice & Ethics in Outer Space. London: Routledge.
- [INVITED/FORTHCOMING] "Systemic Value and Its Relational Status in the Natural Cosmic World”. In Davis, Andrew M. [Ed.]: Exo-Axiology: Is There Value Beyond Earth?
- [INVITED/FORTHCOMING] "Is Life Observable?”. In: Playford, Richard [Ed.]: Exophilosophy: The Philosophical Implications of Alien Life. London: Routledge.
- [UNDER CONTRACT] Ethics and Extraterrestrial Communication: The Moral Responsibilities of Messengers. London: Routledge.
- [FORTHCOMING] "Frankenstein Is about ChatGPT: Thinking and the Future of Literary Study in the Age of Generative AI“. In: Cangiano, Mimmo et al. (Eds.): Status Quaestionis: Perspectives on Literary Theory and Comparative Literature.
- [UNDER REVIEW] "Moderate Barbarogeniuses: The Modernism of Fernando Pessoa, Srečko Kosovel, and Adele Gloria“. In: Tortora, M.; Volpone, A. (Eds.): The Materiality of Modernisms. Milano: Ledizioni, 2024.
- [UNDER REVIEW] "Thinking with Fernando Pessoa: The Heteronymic Model of Consciousness in the Context of Human-Machine Cognitive Distribution and Generative AI“. In: Pizarro, Jerónimo; Sousa, Rui (Eds.): Variações de Fernando Pessoa.
- "Standardizing fairness-evaluation procedures: interdisciplinary insights on machine learning algorithms in creditworthiness assessments for small personal loans”(co-authored with Genovesi, S., Schmitz, A. et al.). In: MacIntyre, John; Medsker, Larry (Eds.): AI Ethics. Volume 3/2, Mai 2023.
- "Acknowledging Sustainability in the Framework of Ethical Certification for AI” (co-authored with Genovesi, S.). In: Sustainability 14(7), 2022, 4157.
- Was ist künstliche intelligenz (KI)? wie kann ich KI ethisch in der Hochschule nutzen? (with Stracke, Bohr, Gabriel, Galla, Hofmann et al.). Netzwerk "Ethische Nutzung von KI” (Ed.). 2024.
- Manifesto for the Future of Privacy (with Adkins, Buhr, Fabčič Povše, Kamins, Kumar, Morenas, Nussbauer, Siopi, Zuk). 2023.
- “Unintended Surveillance as an Impact Factor for a Certification of Ethical AI” (co-authored with Sergio Genovesi). In: Surveillance Studies Network Conference (June 1–3, 2022). Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2022.
- Collaboration on: Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz. Wahlster, Wolfgang ; Winterhalter, Christoph (Eds.): Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz (Ausgabe 2), 2022.
- "Bias, Sprachassistent*innen und humans in the loop: für eine kritische Ethik Künstlicher Intelligenz”. In: Prae|faktisch - Ein Philosophieblog, 2021 [online].
- [FORTHCOMING] "Privatheit”. In: Grimm, Petra; Trost, Kai Erik; Zöllner, Oliver (Eds.): Handbuch Digitale Ethik.
- [FORTHCOMING] "Das Recht des Kindes auf Achtung seiner Privatsphäre“. In: Brink, Stefan; Grimm, Petra; Keber, Tobias (Eds.): Daten – Recht – Digitale Ethik.
- [FORTHCOMING] Whitepaper: "Catalog of General Ethical Requirements for AI Certification”. With Nicholas Kluge Correa.
- “TeenyTinyLlama: open-source tiny language models trained in Brazilian Portuguese” (together with Sophia Falk, Shiza Fatimah, Aniket Sen, Nythamar de Oliveira). 2024.
- “Crossing the principle–practice gap in AI ethics with ethical problem-solving” (together with Santos, J.W., Galvão, C. et al.). In: MacIntyre, John; Medsker, Larry (Eds.): AI Ethics. Volume 4/1, Februar 2024.
- [FORTHCOMING] Whitepaper: "Catalog of General Ethical Requirements for AI Certification”. With Julia Maria Mönig
- "Homesteading in Outer Spaces: Transhumanists and the Anarcho-capitalist Critique of the State". In: Oakes, I. and Vettese, T. (eds.): Neoliberal Environmental Thought. Stanford University Press, 2022.
- Singular Creatures. Robots, Rights, and the Politics of Posthumanism. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
- Repenser les Choix Nucléaires: La Séduction de l’Impossible, Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2022.
- "Des Empires sous la Terre: Histoire Ecologique et Raciale de la Sécularisation". In: La Découverte: Revue Française de Science Politique, 2021.